6 Holiday Trend Shifts That Heavily Impact SEM
Holiday Online Shopping Trends and Spending.
There are many online retailers out there that rely on the holiday shopping rush for their survival. So as a online retailer you should make sure your SEO and SEM are effective.
In a post we came across titled “6 Holiday Trend Shifts That Heavily Impact SEM” show some very interesting stats on shifts and changes during shopping in the holidays. Here are the 6 they cover
1. Click to order latency swings dramatically
2. Average order value falls off
3. Revenue per click skyrockets
4. Divergence of revenue tied to the click day vs order day
5. Normal day of week trends fall apart
6. Mobile traffic Patterns fluctuate more erratically
They take each “shift or change” and show some pretty incredible statistics and graphs. So bottom line is if you own an online store you should take a moment and read through this article.