Google Is Changing Our Search Results Again

Google is changing its search results page to look more like the Google Mobile.  You will notice that the “search tools” have now been moved to the top left side of the results and things like “images” are now over in the right hand column.  Depending on the search you will also find in the…

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Quick Twitter Exercise for Brands

Here is some great Twitter info! The title is “ Quick Twitter Exercise for Brands” and its basically a rundown of how to give your company some edge in the twitter world.  In this article it’s a 4 Step process. Here’s a quick overview of the steps. 1.     Set Your Clear Intention 2.     Ban The…

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How often should you email customers?

Keeping in contact with your customers is an important part of being a success on the web. Any good SEO specialist will tell you that you have to email your customers every once and awhile, just to keep them interested in your business. The question then revolves around how often you should email your customers.…

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